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Serving Dodge & Washington Counties

The Fremont Area United Way is working to advance the common good by focusing on education, financial stability, health and basic needs. Our goal is to create long-lasting changes that prevent problems from happening in the first place. Our vision for the Fremont area is to create solutions to community issues where we can make a difference. We hope you want to be a part of the change. We think we can do more together than any of us can do alone. This is what it means to "Live United."

93% of your donations goes towards helping those in the Fremont community! The Fremont Area United Way just completed a successful audit showing, once again, low operational expenses.

Work place campaigns - donate through payroll deduction or one-time gift.

Join a non-profit board or committee that is driving change around something you are passionate about.

Speak up! Ask questions! Find the answers!

Start something new that fills a gap in your community.

Be a voice for change.

Be a mentor.

Volunteer your time and talents to improve our community!

If you wish to be connected to other volunteer opportunities, please call 402-721-4157.

 Fremont Area United Way is committed to addressing social injustice by serving the underserved and partnering with other organizations that are striving to create a more equitable community. We are diligently working to learn more about the experiences of different communities and to strive for inclusivity and equity so individuals and families can lead the best lives possible.

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